'Kleines Grusel-Gewusel' - creepy cabinet / haunted house for children
The 'kleines Grusel-Gewusel' is a small interactive scary labyrinth for children between 5 and 12
years (or even for younger or older ones).
It's built up inside a darkened tent (4x8m) together with one or two pavillons (3x3m) with a
variable, decorated area around.
Inside of the tent there's a long, dark hallway with small rooms, all decorated with child friendly
horror and fantasy-items. Almost everything is handmade like paintings and decoration. Most of the
effects are working with UV-Light / black light.

The "Grusel-Gewusel" is not just a haunted house to walk through and get frightened. It is interactive and children can participate and have fun inside for hours or even days.

At the beginning the children are going through the labyrinth (often a bit frightened). But when they
discover, that they can act independantly on their own, they start using the different mechanisms
and moving things with handles to frighten other guests.

It's is possible for the kids to create their own ideas, while we are there to assist them, and try to
make as much possible as we can. They can dress up, can be face-painted. play role-games, invent
their own storys, change the decoration inside and even walk the festival-area to make commercial
for their self-made shows.
... even for adults a surprising attraction...
- imaginatively and lovingly
- lots of handmade accessoires and blacklight-paintings
- different themes like jungle, ocean, aliens or pirates

Depending on the situations and amount of children we offer face-painting as well. We use UV-DayGlow Aquacolor, which is water-soluble and tolerated by the skin.
- for children between 2 and 14 years (best between 5 and 12)
- parents stay in their responsability (we care anyway..)
- up to 5 hours per day (with brakes)
- children shouldn't have to pay for entrance, financial fuck should be just
between event-organiser and Grusel-Gewusel
- uncomplicated for event-organisers, chiefly we need space and energy.
More attractions of Grusel-Gewusel or in cooperation with other artists:
Have fun with our selfmade Shooting-Galery! Children can shoot with balls or even with a bow and arrow at the target points of a creepy castle wall. If they hit it happens some unexpected.
Even a look behind the scenes is exciting to see how the various mechanisms work.
Bookable as a single action or in connection with the CreepyCabinet or the BlackLight-Games.
Tip: also possible in the evening and at night (lightening-
in uv-light!)
Always a wonderful atmosphere!
Rainbow Fairy Jenny enchant young and old with her giant soap bubbles. Children can always try and get involved themselves.
A fascinating festival fun for young and old - next to the Grusel-Gewusel-tent and mobile on the festival grounds.

Crazy plays and walking acts for adults and children - in the Grusel-Gewusel-tent or on stage. More recent plays on request.
This one woman show by Mirjam Ellenbroek portrays the masks Jeff and Kim with the most beautiful and most bitter love songs.
A concert for love and frustrated adults.
"This one woman show is guaranteed to have you spell-bound and laughing" Kathy O'Leary (Irish artist)
(Stefan Wenzel, Samira Lehmann)
Kasper is back. And he gets naughty with new friends he has picked up on the street.
A partnership with benefit on all sides. And if something goes wrong, someone gets a spanking.
In the stage of Kasper they meet all: death and the pan flute player from the Andes, the silver
Statue, saxophonist and of course the crocodile. Collect your courage, you donate centrally, the
equitable distribution takes your Kasper.
For children and adults.
Whether solo, as a performance with live musical accompaniment, duo or in the production of several fire artists:
The fire show of Exsmeralda is a touching and unique experience.
- For the stage or on the festival site